V3 With Upgraded Cessna Citation CJ4
How to use electronic flight decks and cockpits for truly realistic home flight simulations
Describes Microsoft’s substantially upgraded Cessna Citation CJ4.
By Bill Stack
Enjoy your realistic simulations by using electronic flight decks and cockpits like real-world pilots.
Identify, read, and understand all flight, navigation, and aircraft instruments.
Make complete flight plans from departure to destination with waypoints and cruising altitudes.
Find airports, navaids, waypoints, intersections, fixes, and coordinates from the aviation databases.
Implement official airport procedures: SIDs, STARs, and IAPs.
Follow your flight plans on the navigation maps.
Implement and follow ATC-assigned airport procedures on the navigation maps.
Track from and to radio navaids.
See weather, terrain, and traffic on screen.
Learn about:
Nine dedicated chapters plus an appendix:
Airbus A320 Neo
Boeing 747 8I
Cessna CJ4 Citation
Beechcraft King Air 350
Garmin G1000 & NXi
Beechcraft Bonanza
Beechcraft Baron
Cessna 172
Cessna Grand Caravan
Cirrus SR22
Diamond DA40
Diamond DA62
Pilatus P-6 Turbo
Upgraded Cessna Citation CJ4
Version 3 describes the Cessna Citation CJ4 that was substantially upgraded by Microsoft and Asobo in February and March 2023. Descriptions of the Airbus A320, Boeing 787-10, and Boeing 747-8I are also enhanced in this upgraded manual.
“Microsoft’s upgraded Cessna Citation CJ4 is so different from previous versions that it is essentially a different aircraft,” says author Bill Stack. “I examined and tested every aspect of its new electronic flight deck, especially its expanded flight management system and control display units.”
Version 3 of this manual includes the upgraded Garmin G1000 Nxi that was described and explained in Version 2.
Easy to Read and Follow
Glass Simming 2020 is organized and formatted for ease of use. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific aircraft except the G1000 chapter that describes eight aircraft. That’s a total of 17 props, turbos, and jets. Version 2 has been expanded from 225 to 313 pages.
Clear and straightforward English for home simulation enthusiasts.
The book tells “what it is,” “what it does,” and “how to use it.”
Step-by-step procedures are numbered for easy following.
Quick steps are listed in easy-to-follow tables.
Terms are plainly defined for clear understanding.
Designed for readability and easy use:
Every page has a header with chapter number and title so you always know which aircraft you are reading about.
Font sizes are increased for easier readability.
Page dimensions enable handy tablet reading.
Two pages can be printed on a single sheet.
Common PDF format can be used by all home flight simmers.
ZIP archive file is 6.2 megabytes.
Quality assurance prevails:
Real-world source material has been used.
Images are taken directly from the flight decks and cockpits.
Author experiences and notes add to practicality.
Entire book has been factually verified and proofread for accuracy and correctness.
Extra Goodies
My standard V-Speed card is included as a free bonus. Common V-Speeds are defined by speed on one side and alphabetically on the other.
Focus and Limits
Glass Simming 2020 describes and explains the use of glass instruments in aircraft of Microsoft Flight Simulator™ 2020. Principles and methods can be applied to other aircraft in other simulators. How to fly the aircraft, or navigate from place to place, or use autopilots and autothrottles are outside the scope of this manual.
This manual is for home flight simulation only. It is based on real aviation principles and procedures so home flight-simulation enthusiasts can maximize their enjoyment. Because some aspects of home flight-simulation games are not exactly like real-world aviation, some information in this book is not exactly like real-world flight. Consequently, use for real-world aviation is not appropriate or authorized.
Use Your Time Wisely
Don’t lose valuable flight-simming opportunities searching the internet for flimsy freebies. Most freebies are worth their cost. Ftldave says it best:
“YouTube is hit or miss. Sometimes there's great, informative content, other times the videos are useless and unintelligible. How much time do you want to spend searching for the former, how much time to waste with the latter? As is often said about open software, the same is true for this: It's free if your time has no value to you.”
Satisfaction Guaranteed
A lot of time and effort has been invested by me and others toward making a quality product that is useful to people. Any book with physical defects will be replaced at no cost. If you can show that the content of Glass Simming 2020 is not as described, your money will be refunded. If you find facts that you believe are in error, please let me know so I can evaluate them. – Bill Stack, Author