== INSTALLATION ==1 - After extracting this zip folder, please copy the sofly-storm folder to your Microsoft Flight Simulator 'Community Folder'2 - Load up the simulator.You will be able to find the hurricanes and super cells under the weather preset selection. You will be able to find the 35+ missions in the 'Custom Content' section of 'Activities' from the main menu.**NOTE THAT YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE THE FLYBYWIRE A32NX INSTALLED TO ACCESS 10 OF THE MISSIONS**This is a free download and available from: https://flybywiresim.com/STORM DOES NOT INSTALL THE A32NX.You can get support here: https://sofly.io/support**PLEASE READ THE KNOWLEDGE BASE BEFORE SUBMITTING A TICKET**You can read the user guide by heading here: https://sofly.io/stormguideThere is also a copy in sofly-storm/Documentation== LIMITATIONS ==It's good to know that there are some limitations with STORM.-- Hurricanes and Super-Cells remain static. These are generated in specific locations around the world. The weather conditions are set via the presets included and may not be suitable for general flying. Wind data and other hurricane specific weather conditions cannot be simulated 100% accurately due to sim limitations.