* High Altitude Issue; Fixed. Note that high atmosphere read low speeds because of low air density.
* Low Resolution AP light on Pilots Instrument Pod redone to high resolution
* Interior Light Knobs given new materials and mapping
* Interior Light Knob 'Glyphs' redone in solid mesh for extreme resolution
* Sound Effects improvement for Landing Gear deployment
* Manifold Pressure Needle retuned, calibrated, but flawed at high altitude. Proper at lower altitudes.
* EGT needle retuned
* Mouse Over tooltips improved for Panel Lighting Adjuster Knobs (3 knobs total)
* Effects Rewrite for smoother dust clouds frame rates via updates in MSFS
* Manifold Pressure and Fuel Flow instrument recalibrated
* Engine tunes carried out for high realism in various altitudes
* Recalibration of several engine related instruments that were slightly off
* Tuning to AI Autopilot system
* Addition of tuneable ASI Speed Strip disc in ASI to calculate TAS speeds at high altitude
* Clickable hidden TAS digital mini readout, top left of instrument cluster
* Tuning of Effects for new version of MSFS Effects management
* Manifold Press and TACH moved to middle for easier visibility
* Functioning HOBBS Engine Time Meter installed in Tach instrument
* Belly Landing Capability
can now fly the Trinidad by the numbers. Remember, the limits are for 4
passengers at 170 lbs each, plus 60 lbs in the rear boot, and fuel
topped off to max limit, not max fuel. Make sure you stay within the
weight limits.